Kenilworth Show 2022
Full steam ahead! Our show site has been confirmed and we are now finally in the position to push forward with our 2022 show plans.
Venue sorted, date sorted, time sorted, weather tbc! We are now all steam ahead in our preparations for the 2022 show. The new show site has now been confirmed and we think this will work very well for us, it is in a great location on the Stoneleigh Estate providing us with good access and flat ground.
Show Sponsorship
We are delighted to be able to announce that we, once again, will be working with Rix Petroleum as our main show sponsor for 2022. Many thanks to Rix for their ongoing support. We also have another key sponsor with Lodders coming forward in support.
For anyone interested in sponsoring or advertising with us all the details can be found using the following link - sponsorship and advertising opportunities.
Dog Show
Did you know we host a dog show at our annual show? This year we are looking to make this area bigger and better with additional displays and trade stands. We are always looking for help to run this section so if you would be interested in getting involved please do get in touch. Further details can also be found on the website using the following link.
Importance of Social Media
If you are active on either Facebook or Instagram please do head over to our pages and follow us or give us a like. Love it or hate it, in an ever changing world, social media is a key component to our future and the awareness of both the society and show. Please help us spread the word - Like, Follow, Share & Comment.
Look out for the next newsletter which will be with you at the beginning of January.
As always TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE and we hope to see you all again very soon.
Visit the website for all the latest KADAS and Kenilworth Show
updates, news, activities and events.