KADAS Talk - Joe Stanley
We were delighted to welcome Joe Stanley at our second virtual talk of the year. Joe is a Leicestershire arable & beef farmer and local farming leader. Joe is a trustee of the Henry Plumb Foundation, NFU branch chair for the North West Leicestershire and NFU county Vice Chair for Leicestershire, Northamptonshire & Rutland. He is a regular columnist for Farmer's Weekly, Farm business, Farmers' Guardian, Agronomist & Arable Farmer and NFU countryside. Joe has also recently written a book 'Farm to Fork: The Challenge of Sustainable Farming in 21st Century Britain'.

Joe talked about how important it is that British farmers get out there and talk about their work, the amazing food we produce and the high standards which we have here in the U.K. He is a fantastic ambassador for the industry and his talk and his journey was truly inspiring.
We also welcomed Bill Young, Chief Executive of the Addington Fund. Bill talked about the work the charity does in supporting farmers in their time of need. They are there when needed the most providing housing and disaster relief in the form of animal feed or services, standing by the side of farmers helping them get back on their feet. Further information can be found on their website www.addingtonfund.org.uk

Our thanks go to both Joe and Bill for a very informative and inspiring evening.