Stoneleigh Park Estate
Stoneleigh Road
Unfortunately the above postcode does not take you directly to the show site, use the directions
below to help you find us or alternatively What3words, which will take you directly to us.
What3words - ///verse.engage.shed
Please note there are currently lots of roadworks around the show site and we can only apolgise
for any inconvenience caused by this.
We also ask that you avoid driving through the village of Stoneleigh itself in consideration of the residents.
We ask that you follow the directional show signs.
From London / M40
Leave the M40 at junction 15 and head on the A46 towards Coventry.
Take the exit towards the University of Warwick and Stoneleigh.
At the junction you are forced to turn left due to the current roadworks,
follow the road down to the small roundabout and come back on yourself.
Once back on the road going towards Stoneleigh village the show is the other
side of the A46 on the left hand side.
Form the M6/M69
Leave the M6 at junction 2 and head onto the A46 towards Warwick
Or at the end of the M69, head onto the A46 towards Warwick and the M40
Take the exit towards the University of Warwick and Stoneleigh.
At the junction turn left onto the Stoneleigh road.
The show is on the left hand side.
From the M1
Leave the M1 at Junction 17 and join the M45 heading towards Coventry
Pick up the signs for the A45 Coventry (NOT Daventry)
Stay on the A45 heading towards the A46 Warwick. Once on the A46 take the exit towards the University
of Warwick and Stoneleigh. At the junction turn left onto the Stoneleigh road.
The show is on the left hand side.
To ease the flow of traffic into the show we would however really encourage you to follow the
directional signs to the show on the day.
There is a free shuttle bus available on the hour from the Kenilworth Clock Tower from 9am, returning from
the show on the half hour up to 5.00pm